Shortly before Christmas, on 18 December 2011 Václav Havel died in his sleep; a man whose words and deeds evoked a response from around the world. His attitude toward life was defined by the battle for human rights and their maintenance across the world. People of all generations remember him as a defender of democracy, value his approach in the period of the Velvet Revolution and in the year spent at Prague Castle, as well as in the years that followed, always faithful to his ideals. Up to the last moment he encouraged in people activity, respect for their country, and responsibility for their lives and those of others. He offered an alternative to a life filled only by material values. He offered belief in mankind.
Since 2014 the Heart for Václav Havel has been housed in the castle cellars. Each year, on 18/12, the memorial site in front of the castle is renewed, and the Heart for Václav Havel can be visited for free.