Adventní expozici třpytivých vánočních ozdob
otevřeme v sobotu 30. listopadu v nově zrekonstruovaných místnostech v přízemí litomyšlského zámku. Budeme vás čekat každý adventní víkend, vždy mezi 10. a 15. hodinou.

The Castle Cellars




Chateau Litomyšl

18-010In the climatically ideal environment of the castle cellars the unique wine range Chateau Litomyšl is maturing in bottles. This wine was made by Moravian winemakers only for this range. They cannot be bought anywhere other than in the town of the Smetana Festival.

A cuvée (or sometimes coupage) is always prepared from three varieties of wine. A special coupage of wines with special qualities has been created on the basis of the sensory requirements of the cellar-master of the Smetana’s Litomyšl association. This results in a delicious, balanced harmonic wine with a noble colour, sparkling with the golden autumn sun. The aroma of the wine is highly diverse and offers much. Everyone will find a taste to their liking in this wine.

The Chateau Litomyšl wines are closely linked to the exhibition of the sculptures of Olbram Zoubek in the castle cellars. They carry the names of three of the figures there - Clytemnestra, Iphigenia and Agamemnon.

The offer includes up to nine types of red and white wine, such as for example Veltlínské zelené (Gruner Veltliner), Pálava, Chardonnay, Rulandské bile (Pinot Blanc), Müller Thurgau, Rulandské modré (Pinot Noir) or Svatovavřinecké (St. Laurent)…


P1A7720The wine shop in the castle cellars offers a wide range of wines from several winemakers. We offer wines from the wineries of Vinofol Novosedly, Mikrosvín Mikulov, Šabata, Ampelos, Znovín, Volařík and also wines from Austria, Calabria and Macedonia.

Also on offer are wines from the barrel depending on availability. These are decanted into plastic bottles. The wine shop is self-service and the price is paid at the cash-desk on departure.

Wine Bank

2315502815952229538677886878801152587444791oDeposit your wines in the castle’s wine bank!

Renting a box in the cellars of Litomyšl Castle means that aside from the secure storage of the wine in an optimum environment with a steady temperature and humidity you will be able to invite your friends to the exclusive premises of the cellar to tastings of your wine archive.

You will be able to access your wine at any time during the opening hours of the cellars (of course without paying to enter the exhibition), and outside of opening hours with previous agreement with our cellar-master.

Included in the fee for the rental of a box of 6000 CZK/year are 2 evenings of free rental of the wine bar of the castle wine bank for your social events.

Contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Wine tasting

REF0363The castle cellars are an ideal venue for the organising of wine tasting. You can try one of the following wine tasting sessions lasting ninety minutes:

Basic tasting – from preselected wines.

Price 400 CZK/person

Extended tasting – from preselected wines together with commentary.

Price 500 CZK/person

“De luxe” – the customer chooses the wine and the tasting includes commentary.

Price 600 CZK/person

A special tasting can be ordered outside of opening hours. The minimum number of participants for this tasting is 20. The price includes water, and we can prepare food on request or you can bring your own. The customer can have a viewing of the documentary Journey Around the Castle (about the restoration of the sgraffiti) and also visit the exhibition Heart for Václav Havel. We lend audio-guides for tours of the cellars.

Contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Other tastings

2935473017445024222731737490300563435812725oTasting in the Cellars

Several varieties of wine from the Chateau Litomyšl range are distributed among the sculptures throughout the cellars with brief descriptions. The customer strolls through the cellars and samples the wines in selected places. This lasts about 1 hour. For a minimum of 20 people.

Price 250 CZK/person/5 samples. On request the number of samples can be increased, with the price then increasing.

Tasting with Tour

Several varieties of wine from the Chateau Litomyšl range are distributed among the sculptures throughout the cellars with brief descriptions. The customers will have a guide available to give a commentary on the sculptures of Olbram Zoubek, the Heart for Václav Havel and on the wines. This lasts about 1 hour. For a minimum of 20 people.

Price 250 CZK/person/5 samples. On request the number of samples can be increased, with the price then increasing.

Blind Tasting

During a blind tasting aside from sampling wine you will also have fun. Wines are placed around the cellars (the number is subject to agreement) with hidden labels so that the customer does not know what they are tasting. On entry to the castle cellars you will get a list with the names of the placed wines. The task is then to match this to the wine at the numbered station. At the end of the tasting it will be revealed who has been successful. The correct answer will be rewarded.

Blind tastings can also be arranged for children who will be given various types of fruit juice.

Price on agreement by number of wines/juices.

Other tastings can be ordered outside of the opening hours (contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). The price includes water, and we can prepare food on request or you can bring your own. The customer can have a viewing of the documentary Journey Around the Castle (about the restoration of the sgraffiti) and also visit the exhibition Heart for Václav Havel. We lend audio-guides for tours of the cellars.

Renting space

P1A7711The castle cellars are a wonderful space with a unique atmosphere. You can experience it during a company event, a private celebration or simply a gathering with friends. In the case of hiring space there are two main rooms, the room with the Heart for Václav Havel, four adjacent rooms and the wine shop with three rooms. In total there is available a space of about xxx with the possibility of various arrangements of tables with refreshments or seating.

You can organise wine, sommelier and catering suppliers for yourself, but if you ask us we can arrange it all for you.

Price 2500 CZK/hour + VAT

Contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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